A number of Christian authors and publishers are responding already with helpful books and resources specifically about Coronavirus. We have collected together a list of the very latest books available – either to order or pre-order – from LivingStones today.
We hope you might find something helpful and encouraging amongst these as we pray that the lockdown restrictions would continue to be reduced over time, and ultimately Coronavirus defeated.

Where is God in a Coronavirus World?
Publisher: Good Book Company
Author: John Lennox
Pages: 64
The coronavirus pandemic and its effects are perplexing and unsettling for all of us. How do we begin to think it through and cope with it? In this short yet profound book, Oxford mathematics professor John Lennox examines the coronavirus in light of various belief systems and shows how the Christian worldview not only helps us to make sense of it, but also offers us a sure and certain hope to cling to.
Price: £2.49 (RRP £2.99)

Coronavirus and Christ
Publisher: Crossway
Author: John Piper
Pages: 112
In the midst of this fear and uncertainty, it is natural to wonder what God is doing. In Coronavirus and Christ, John Piper invites readers around the world to stand on the solid Rock, who is Jesus Christ, in whom our souls can be sustained by the sovereign God who ordains, governs, and reigns over all things to accomplish his wise and good purposes for those who trust in him. Piper offers six biblical answers to the question, What is God doing through the coronavirus?—reminding us that God is at work in this moment in history.
Price £4.99 (more stock arriving soon)

Healthy Faith and the Coronavirus Crisis
Publisher: IVP UK
Author: Various including Dr Andy Bannister and NT Wright
Pages: 304
COVID-19 has transformed our everyday lives. It’s as if another world has arrived in the blink of an eye. Yet life is not on pause. We still need to live. Twenty leading Christian thinkers have come together to help you begin to navigate this strange reality. Each contributor writes on their area of expertise, and topics covered include prayer, loneliness, work, singleness, marriage, parenting, grief, death, imagination, conversations, humour, and much more. They offer practical advice as well as helpful perspective from Scripture.
Price: £14.99 (Pre-order until 18-06-2020)

God and the Pandemic
Publisher: SPCK
Author: Tom Wright
Pages: 112
What are we supposed to think about the coronavirus crisis? Some people think they know: ‘This is a sign of the End,’ they say. ‘It’s all predicted in the book of Revelation.’ Others disagree but are equally clear: ‘This is a call to repent. God is judging the world and through this disease he’s telling us to change.’ Some join in the chorus of blame and condemnation: ‘It’s the fault of the Chinese, the government, the World Health Organization. . .’ Tom Wright examines these reactions to the virus and finds them wanting. Instead, he invites you to consider a different way of seeing and responding – a way that draws on the teachings and examples of scripture, and above all on the way of living, thinking and praying revealed to us by Jesus.
Price: £7.99 (release date 28-05-2020)
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Take a note of the titles above that you would like to order and click below to fill in our order form.
Free tract and book with every order*

Hope Beyond Coronavirus – tract
Roger Carswell
Life has changed radically for the nations of the world and for us as individuals. Things we have taken for granted – freedom of travel and of meeting together, supply of basic necessities, and the hope of a long life – have been threatened. This is an evangelistic tract that winsomely shares the gospel, and talks into the situation of Coronavirus. It is ideal to give away to friends and neighbours.
You’ll also receive a free book with your order called A Cause Worth Living For* (David Hamilton).
More details available on our ordering page
*While stocks last.
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Take a note of the titles above that you would like to order and click below to fill in our order form.
Offers end 30 June 2020.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7, NIV